I received the product and the box was not in very good shape, but nothing was broken. The instructions are terrible, but most people should be able to figure it out with little logical thinking. I wasn't very impressed with the installation brackets, but I installed the windshield anyway. The handle bar mounting brackets were okay, but the "ball" mounting brackets to the windshield were questionable. My first ride, I only got about 20 feet and had to return home to adjust the windshield for vibrations. I adjusted the windshield several times, but always at speeds above 50 mph, the windshield would start coming back on me. I got on it the last time I road with the windshield and the top of the windshield pivoted back and almost hit me in the face (scared the hell out of me). The "ball" mounts on the windshield do not hold no matter how tight I got them (any more tightening and the bracket would have broke). I saw one other review that said this windshield would only be safe on a moped and I agree. I loved the windshield design and would put it on my Ducati Hypermotar in a second, if they improved the mounting for safety.
Posted by Dave (Moreno Valley, CA) / February 18, 20202016 Ducati Hypermotard