I don't know why these are listed for "off road use only", but they where the only one that O'Reilly had that would fit my V-Rod in any fashion. And I still had to modify them to fit. One of my incandescents failed and damned if I was going to replace with another incandescent. But to make a long story short the bulbs work great, I have been using Sylvania ZEVO bulbs for my stop lights as well as my front turn signals for several months now with no problems, I had read that it might be necessary to use a load equaliser but so far I have not had to. I have looked at several hundred bulbs with this type of base and ZEVOs are almost the only ones that have a small heat sink built into them, so even though I had to take a file to them to make them fit I am still happy I did.
Posted by Customer / January 11, 20212003 Harley Davidson V-Rod